2025-2026 Policies/Procedures
Select the topic below and feel free to scroll through all policies/procedures below!
General Information
The following is the MAX of allowed absences:
Students who come ONCE a week — 5
Students who come TWICE a week — 7
Students who come THRICE a week —9
*This excludes: Christmas show and specialty practices
If a child misses MORE than this number, they will NOT get their attendance award at our annual recital.
I’m asked EVERY year if illness counts as an absence… of course… if a child is sick from school, they get an absence, same goes for dance.
We do NOT take it lightly to withhold this trophy, but this teaches the children/parents to choose wisely as to what is an important enough reason to miss…because you never know when you HAVE to miss.
If you have multiple children like I do, it IS tough to make it all work, I know. I would advise parents to get to know each other so that if your one child is sick, you may still have someone who can take the other child(ren) to lessons so they don’t all get an absence.
TNT may, at any time it deems necessary, refuse enrollment to any student for the following reasons: consistent non-payment of tuition or other bills, disruption to the class, fighting with other children or staff, continual disrespect of any TNT family member.
There are times that TNT Studio of Dance may use studio photos in paper/online advertising
TNT Studio of Dance ALSO posts pictures on social media/website from recitals/rehearsals/picture day/other candid photos for FUN and for the ability of parents to see some cute photos of some of our extra fun.
There are times that we BUY BACK previous costumes. These are usually from BIG groups, so keep those costumes!
Costume DONATIONS are accepted at ANY time. So, if you’d like to empty those closets…bring them in!
Costumes on our current BUYBACK LIST can be found on our website.
We frequently perform at different community events, your child may be asked to join.
These are NOT mandatory
Extra practice may be required (free of charge)
Students are ALWAYS expected to be kind, friendly, and professional at ALL events.
By email at debbie@tntstudioofdance.com
By text at 610-377-TNT1 (8681) (you may request a call back here if needed)
Calling the above number will most likely result in you heading to voicemail, please leave a text.
On Facebook
Make sure they have working buckles/velcro.
Make sure all screws are tightened in tap shoes. Any damage incurred from loose screws falls to parents of student.
Again, NEVER allow wearing them outdoors.
Make SURE that your child (age 7 and up) know how to tie their own shoes.
One student at a time, teachers HAVE the authority to stop multiple children from entering the restrooms.
Teachers ALSO have the authority to ask/ensure that a child has flushed the toilet and washed their hands.
During Tinymite parent kick out in spring, teachers have authority to assist in bathroom needs of the little ones.
WE RECYCLE! We will remind and enforce this practice at the studio at all times! We expect EVERYONE to follow this practice. If unsure if something is recyclable, ASK.
Deciding to cancel classes is a TOUGH decision. While they may PREDICT bad weather, weather is VERY unpredictable. So please, do NOT expect me to cancel classes PRIOR to the start of weather.
ONE HOUR PRIOR to your class, you will be notified in at least ONE of the following formats:
Facebook TNT Studio of Dance PUBLIC page
Facebook TNT Studio of Dance PRIVATE page
Email (only if I'm at my laptop. If I'm currently shoveling, then it will be via social media/internet only)
Text (I am looking into an app that will allow me to send a MASS text to the cell phone numbers provided to me on your registration form. I will advise when I’ve figured that out.
Student Responsibilities:
Do I have my dance bag? (Shoes, kneepads, toepads, water bottle, etc.)
Is my hair in a ponytail?
NEVER wear your dance shoes outdoors!
Am I wearing stretchy clothes? NO jeans.
NO hoodies or baggy pants for class.
Be ready early to avoid stress at home.
Arrive 10 minutes early please.
Enter upstairs ONLY.
Place your outside shoes in the space provided at entrance or exit of studio.
Use the restroom NOW, not during class. (**Tinymite parents, please assist your little one.)
Find a place to STRETCH as soon as possible to prepare for class.
Students are expected to be kind and courteous to their fellow dancers and teachers.
We all have strengths and weaknesses; this is understood by all instructors. But a student is expected to always work to their highest potential in every class. When a student says “I can’t” is when the teacher will prove that, indeed, they CAN.
If you any questions or problems during class you are ENCOURAGED to talk to your teacher about it or you can always see Debbie as well.
Be sure you have your...
shoes — TWO of each
drink container (recycle ALL plastic)
jacket/extra clothes
any notices given to you by your teacher
clean up any food mess
phone, electronics, coloring books, etc.
When waiting for pickup...
Stay INSIDE until you see your grown-up in the lot to pick you up.
For those few allowed to exit upstairs, NEVER wait alone. Come inside to wait if you are alone. Stay OUT of the street.
Cross the street at the CROSSWALK, it is not safe to cross at any other place
Children caught climbing or sitting on the rail will be asked to come inside. After repeated requests, they will need to remain indoors.
Parent Responsibilities:
Be sure to follow our "PUBLIC” TNT page on Facebook. From this page, you may share events and happenings with family members should you want to.
Be sure to request to join our “PRIVATE” TNT page on Facebook as well. Here is where you will find announcements/reminders that sometimes are NOT sent via email. Posts on this page are not shareable because of privacy settings.
Though we rarely post on Instagram, many teens/pre-teens enjoy following us there.
JOIN THE PARENT PORTAL on this page. It is part of your responsibilities to know WHERE to access our calendar and KNOW what is on that calendar.
REGULARLY ACCESS YOUR PERSONAL WEBPAGE. EVERY new student’s parent gets a text upon registration with your own personal webpage along with the password associated with that page. You may pay tuition from this site, check your child’s schedule, track costume deposits and fund raising dollars, and (at about January) see your child’s costumes and accessory requirements.
If your child has a break, they may bring a snack, please make it a non-messy snack. NO peanuts at any time.
They need to have a SCREW TOP cap on their WATER ONLY. Refillable drink bottles are allowed if they LOCK (won’t leak)
Again, if they have a break, something to keep them content is encouraged as well.
Everything should fit in their dance bag for easy transport.
Everything (shoes, jackets, knee pads, drinks) should ALWAYS be labeled for easy return of forgotten items.
Arrive 10 minutes early please.
Place your outside shoes in the space provided at entrances of studio. If you are uncomfortable removing your shoes, please see Debbie or any staff for shoe covers. A big thank you for this, it’s tough to keep the studio clean without this.
Parent Viewing Policy 25-26 — Check your calendar for weeks that parents are allowed to stay for classes. But the following are the only times set for parent viewing:
First week of October
First week of January
First week of March
Be sure that you have provided me with a phone number to contact you in case of an emergency or weather event.
Tinymite parents may stay the 1st FOUR weeks of dance to acclimate your little one to our staff/students.
Parents and family members are expected to remain seated and quiet during classes.
PLEASE DO NOT double park outside the studio, it causes unbelievable safety issues for these kids.
PLEASE DO NOT PARK ILLEGALLY. Yellow curbing means NO PARKING. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2 minutes or 2 hours — it is DANGEROUS! The kids CANNOT see around your car to see if someone is speeding up that hill.
Please drive slowly as we have many kids coming and going from the studio, make the kids the priority, not the clock.
Our tuition is an annual cost. You may pay our monthly installment plan if you’d like. However, early withdrawal from dance lessons (after Thanksgiving) will require annual payment be made IN FULL.
Payments are due the first week of lessons EACH MONTH. This goes from Oct until May.
Partial payments are accepted. Don’t let yourself get too far behind by not paying at ALL.
Upon reaching 45 days past due, there is a $2 PER CLASS fee added on to tuition payment.
Upon reaching 60 days past due, the student will not be able to partake in class. They may watch so they do not get an absence, but they will not be able to JOIN class until tuition is brought up to date by paying in CASH.
There is a $30 returned check fee for any bounced checks.
After bouncing a check for the 2nd time, your account will be cash/online ONLY.
Payments made at studio are cash/check. Credit card payments need to be done online thru our website.
Any student found to be performing with ANY other dance studio will be removed immediately from the TNT roster. NO refunds of tuition, costume costs, or any other costs incurred up to that point. If student/family is currently expected to join in a TNT performance trip, that trip will be immediately cancelled. Refunds pertaining to trips will depend on each individual circumstance and refunds from the entity TNT will be visiting. NON-negotiable.
Again, tuition is an ANNUAL cost. Teaching children today to stick with what they started and being a team member is more important than ever. Full ANNUAL amount for lessons will be due to TNT for withdrawal from classes after Thanksgiving as well as ANY other costs incurred by the studio at that time. When a child leaves the year early their ENTIRE CLASS /staff suffers. Many times, other students wish to join classes that are full and are told “I’m sorry, the class is full”. So, because those tuition monies are lost as well, full year payment is now required.
If student is ASKED to leave due to non-payment, behavioral issues or ANY reason determined by management. There will be ZERO refunds.
If the studio closes permanently, refunds WILL be issued for annual payments made based on pro-rated amount time left in the season.
You will NOT get "stiffed" by TNT at any point in time because we will always be loyal to our dance families, so we ask that you, in return, do not "stiff" us.
Our motto here at TNT is "Fun in Learning". Smiles are abundant, laughter is plentiful, learning is overflowing. We strive to do all this, with all students, all year long <3 Welcome to our dance family! If you enjoy it here, tell a friend and earn referral bonuses! Thank you all for sharing your kiddos with us, we love having them in our lives <3