Carly Fital, Dance Instructor

(35+ Years Dancing)

At 3 years old is when Carly entered her first dance class.  And it is now over 35 years that she's been dancing!  She was with TNT from the very start being an integral member of our staff as well as helping me through SO many recital, Christmas show, costume, vacation decisions, it's impossible to count the ways Carly is important to TNT!   

Carly has been a dance teacher for 24 years now and her favorites to teach are our Tinymites <3.  She is a graduate of Lehighton Area High School and as part owner of W.M.Miller Painting Company, a family owned business since 1902 (4th generation).  

Carly has been with us on ALL of our TNT trips, but her favorite was our Alaskan cruise in 2014.  Another of her favorites would HAVE to be Universal Studios in 2016 because she got to see Harry Potter World!  (She's an HP junkie folks haha).  Besides dance, she enjoys reading, photography, baking, traveling, hanging with her puppy Ranger, and being with her nephews.  Her favorite Disney character is Cinderella and she would love to trade places for a day with Kate Middleton or Emma Watson.